Scroll through the exhibit, read, watch, and interact. Jot down your notes and reflections in your notepad .

As Children’s Freedom Has Declined, So Has Their Creativity

According to new study, current American school-age children are becoming less creative. Please find the reason in the article above.

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How We're Endangering our Kids' Imaginations

Melissa shares her own anecdote when she was watching her daughter's play in a softball tournament where she found lots of children focusing on their tablet screen rather than watching and enjoying the game. How much do you agree with the opinion that screen-time degenerates children's imagination? Do you have person experience for or against this opinion?

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How We're Endangering our Kids' Imaginations

Melissa shares her own anecdote when she was watching her daughter's play in a softball tournament where she found lots of children focusing on their tablet screen rather than watching and enjoying the game. How much do you agree with the opinion that screen-time degenerates children's imagination? Do you have person experience for or against this opinion?

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