Waldorf classrooms model meaningful, purposeful work in the classroom by engaging in activities such as cooking, cleaning, baking, sewing or knitting. Outdoors, children may be found raking, gardening, filling birdfeeders or shoveling snow. Out of imitation, children engage in, and help with, all these activities.
You're required to complete two interviews with two different companies. To choose a company click on the person icon closiest to their booth .
Listen to the directors questions by clicking on the play button on the audio player of each question card. After listening, record your response by selecting 'record' button. Then the 'stop' button when you are finished. Your recordings will appear below. You can record your answer more than once.
When you are satisfied with your response you can download a MP3 file by following the instructions below.
Save Your Work
To get a copy of your recording select the 3 dot icon, located on the right-hand side the audio player. Then click download.
Zipped Files
After downloading, rename your files according to the question number and philosphy type. Zip them in a folder with your name. Provide this to your professor as directed.