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Tim is a three and half year old boy who lives with his mother and father. He is a very verbal and smart little boy who is very interested in how things work and where things come from. He is attending a community preschool in a classroom with other 3 and 4-year-old children. He currently wears pull-ups, although he will indicate when his pull-up is soiled and needs changing.
Tim’s parents report that now that Tim is attending preschool, their routine at home has become better established. His parents feel that the most diffi cult part of their routine is around dinner and bedtime. He becomes verbally and physically aggressive during both routines. Bedtime is more difficult and they often let Tim fall asleep on the couch and then carry him to his crib. During meals, Tim’s mother feeds him while he sits in a high chair. They cannot eat out at restaurants because Tim will try to leave and then hit, push, and kick if they try to make him sit. He will also hit, push, and kick or ram objects and use verbal aggression if you try to take a preferred toy away or remove him from a favorite activity. His parents admit that he can be quite physically draining.
At preschool, Tim uses verbal and physical aggression towards his peers and adults. He will hit, push, or kick other children to obtain toys. He seems to have diffi culty initiating social greetings and interacting appropriately with other children. He is also destructive with toys. He will throw or ram toys/objects. Most of the other children seem to be scared of him. His best friend will warn other children not to play with Tim’s preferred toys. He is most likely to have challenging behaviors during unstructured activities like playground or center time. The school staff reports that he is very aggressive and that they feel he is becoming a danger to the other children.
Name: Tim
Observer: Teacher
Date: 1/20
General Context: Arrival
Time: 8:45am
Trigger: Tim comes in the playground gate. Assistant teacher says “Hi Tim.”
Challenging Behaviour: Tim holds his fi nger like a gun and says, “I’m gonna shoot you dead.”
Maintaining Consequence: Assistant teacher reprimands, and then says, “Let’s fi nd something to play with.”
Possible Function:
Name: Tim
Observer: Teacher
Date: 1/20
General Context: Centers
Time: 11:15am
Trigger: Children are playing in blocks. Team teacher drops accessory pieces on the fl oor for the children to use with magnetic bendable people. A girl goes to play with the accessory pieces and Tim’s best friend yells out, “No, those are Tim’s Toys” as the girl picks up the ladder piece.
Challenging Behaviour: Tim rushes over to the girl, stands over her and pulls her hair.
Maintaining Consequence: The girl screams, lets go of the ladder, and 3 teachers come running to help the girl. Tim goes to time-out for 3 minutes. Tim then returns to the same toy set.
Possible Function:
Name: Tim
Observer: Teacher
Date: 1/20
General Context: Playground
Time: 11:55am
Trigger: Children are playing on the trikes.
Challenging Behaviour: Tim goes over to the boy on “his” favorite bike and rams the toy grocery cart into the trike.
Maintaining Consequence: The boy gets off the trike and Tim gets on
Possible Function:
Name: Tim
Observer: Father
Date: 1/18
General Context: Centers
Time: 10:30am
Trigger: Children are playing with blocks, trucks, and lizards on the fl oor
Challenging Behaviour: Tim approaches a boy playing with a lizard and sticks his tongue out at the boy and then scratches him.
Maintaining Consequence: Tim’s best friend brings him a lizard to play with.
Possible Function:
Name: Tim
Observer: Mother
Date: 1/18
General Context: Bedtime
Time: 9:45pm
Trigger: Tim’s father is trying to get him in his crib. He says, “You need to climb into the crib right now.”
Challenging Behaviour: Tim kicks him in the shins and runs to the living room.
Maintaining Consequence: Mother tells Tim, “You can lay on the couch and watch TV if you promise to stay laying down.”
Possible Function:
Name: Tim
Observer: Mother
Date: 1/18
General Context: Floor play before dinner
Time: 6:20pm
Trigger: Mother is making dinner. Tim is playing with trucks.
Challenging Behaviour: He starts ramming the truck into the coffee table.
Maintaining Consequence: Mother goes over to Tim and sits down to play with him.
Possible Function: